Monday, November 30, 2009

It's in the books!

Thanksgiving that is.. What a wonderful weekend it was. Got to see my family, eat turkey, od on football and didn’t have to leave the house too much. We saw family and some good friends. Met a new one too. Even got out all of the Christmas decorations, now just have to decorate the tree and we will all be done.

We got our first real frost of the season last night, you know the kind in which you have to scrape windows on your vehicle because the defrosters may not be enough to do it by themselves at least if you want to get going quickly.

I took the time to go thru a bunch of my travel shots with the idea of setting up a coffee table book for use in the future. I have even ventured out to websites to see costs of products as I take my fledgling photo company and move it into the world of profitability.

What I am getting to is that this was a very productive 4 days away from the working world. I can use a few more of those. As I said earlier we got together with some friends this weekend and talked about our trip to the island. Even discussed when we would be going back. If there is a way we can squeeze it in we will be back this spring and hopefully again in the fall. Wow moving up to twice a year will tacke some commitment but as the little train that could said…..”I think I can, I think I can” Toot toot!!

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