Monday, October 12, 2009

Reach out and touch someone…

I am sitting and pondering some odd things today. I have 19 days until our vacation…we are seriously all but packed. We have never been this prepared for a trip this early. What has me shrugging my shoulders and scratching my head today is….cell phones…have em at home, use em all the time. Seems I cant get away from them. We have traveled to the Caribbean many times and we take one with us but the phones only have US service so they stay tucked away in our travel bags for the lion’s share of the trip. I have always liked that we are pretty much left to no communications for the week or so we are traveling…kinda nice just my wife and I.

This year we are renting a phone and will have a number while in the islands….why? What the hell? Am I crazy? (responses…dunno, not hell but will be warm, response #3 Yes, you know you are crazy) Oh, wait maybe I shouldn’t be answering rhetorical questions.

We will for the first time know several couples on island at differing times while we are there so have found that having a phone may make our lives easier…wait, did I just say having a phone makes life easier…again here I go with the am I crazy thing. There is something to be said about not worrying about a ringing phone, escaping day to day life and its electronic “enhancements”.

Ok still stuck on the cell phone thing. Since we will have a multitude of friends there interlacing in and out of the set days we will be on our little island get away, we thought it wise to be immediately reachable by the relaxation shattering screech of a cell phone to break the romantic and relaxing mood of lying on a beach on an exotic island with the beautiful woman at my side…(yes honey I mean you), rather than the tried and true we will meet ya at Peg Leg Pub at 7:30 or see ya at the port tomorrow morning at 7 to head to Anguilla, we can now call and coordinate.

Hmm have we made our vacation complicated life by making it easier??
Me thinks so!! Therefore we will be like many others and be able to reach out and touch someone even when we don’t wanna or they don’t want to be touched all for the convenience of coordination. It seems instead of a man’s word being his bond it is now a quick little buzz to confirm that yes you intend to keep the pre-arranged date and meet us when you said you would.

We all know no one ignores a ringing cell phone, us included.

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