Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Island Return is Imminent!

Just crossed the 40 days till I board a plane for the islands threshold.
Things are coming along…a bit slowly but still they are getting there.
The two products that take the most time for me are in the production pipeline.

I still have to sleect some of my photos for artwork, figure how I want to present them and oh yeah, work some more on getting folks to attend the exhibit. I have contacted a few locals on island but still need to write up something for the paper and then see if one of the radio stations might be interested in putting me on the air for a couple of minute spot. Still need to get my website up and ready too…..

So nothing much to do and not much time to do it in. My eldest son has decided to hitch a ride to see the island so I will also be a bit of a tour guide. We look forward to hanging out a bit, some introspective conversation about his future and that of my business and of course consuming a few bottles of rum while on island.

I am looking so forward to getting away from Kansas for a while ….we have been set in a dreary weather pattern since December. Still haven’t hit 70 and seldom see the sun. I need a battery recharge badly.

I am working with a friend on island who is going to link me up with some of the business owners on front street in Philipsburg and I hope to see a few folks in Grand Case and even Marigot if I don’t run out of time.

If you have time on the evening of April 27th from 6-8PM locally and have nothing to do, stop in at Tijon in Grand Case and say hi, I will have a special gift for anyone that says they read about the debut in my blog….

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