Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Batteries…it must need new batteries.

What needs new batteries? My watch does, especially the date component. I think the damned thing is stuck .

I have most of my plans made for our fall adventure and now it seems as if Father Time is standing dead in his tracks and refusing to budge. Come on, I want to get to ST Somewhere….ok not so much somewhere , really just like to be boarding that giant cigar tube with wings on my way to ST Maarten!.

I still need to be in contact with some island friends to see when I can set up a party and possibly another art showing. I need to spend some time and increase my picture count from the dozen or so I have to a couple of dozen and then have some more prints made up. Get some more canvas works ready as well.

There is still some shooting I need to do to become even more comfortable with my camera and its settings. I may even try out a new product line. Then there is the website that is about half built. Cant sell anything if there is nothing on line to sell.

Hmmm guess I have plenty to do after all. Wait, in thinking this thru, I just saw the second hand move. The watch does work it is just real slow at this point.

I can already see the watch scenario work out and here is what will happen. Those proverbial batteries will get recharged with about 30 days left before our trip and then I will see Father Time move into a sprint to the finish line…leaving me grasping at last minute straws to make sure everything I am looking to get done is ready to go when I am. Guess it is time to stop whining and start winding the watch …..crap, just saw the minute hand move guess I best get a move on! Tick, tick, tick….

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