Thursday, February 14, 2008

Let the purchasing begin!

First thing was PhotoShop Pro for my laptop. Rob has yet another toy to play with. Last night I learned how to place a logo on pictures. Was fun and there will be much more to learn.

Have swung into a new mindset, every time we go shopping my mantra is….buy what we need and anything else we spend will be for the trip ie a trip to Sam’s club….wife picked up a paperback book that she plans to read and leave on island. She will easily read 5 books while on island and probably more. Me on the other hand, I will bring 2 one is a hard back that one of my sons gave me that I have been saving and another paperback that can be left with no heart burn. The hardback is a Pirate story….for those that know me …. Go figure!!! When not relaxing I will have camera in hand and be shooting the natural beauty of the islands.

Starting to gather travel sized toiletries. We like having those in our carry on just in case our luggage doesn’t make it with us the first night.

Suntan lotion is the only thing we will hassle with. We have found that once we get out of the shower and dry off we will lather up with lotion and then bring the continuous spray canisters with us to the beach to re apply. We did this last visit and the continuous spray was very nice. Didn’t have to worry about dragging those little bits of sand all over you while re applying the lotion. I have found out that they now carry continuous sprays on SXM. We just have to have enough to get thru our days on Anguilla first.

We have made the decision that since we will dive a bit that we will not do our regular carry on only and will ship a bag underneath. I think it will be one big bag, mostly for our fins and a carry on suitcase along with our backpacks.

There is a pile started in the corner of our bedroom for stuff that we know we are going to bring. So far it is just books and toiletries but if we don’t start seeing warmer weather around here soon, we may start including clothing that we wont get to wear till we get there.

We have some friends that are on island now and they are checking on a photographer for us. I have some ideas that I will need to run by the photog as well as setting a price and time but really am still looking forward to an opportunity to have some portraits shot of us.

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