Monday, March 3, 2008

Ahhh finally, a taste of Spring

This weekend Kansas City came out of it’s deep freeze for an, all be it too short, peek at what is around the corner. The weekend was the best we have seen weather wise since way before Thanksgiving. Friday thru Sunday were all in the 60’s or 70’s a bit windy but I don’t think anyone but the golfers minded. I did however see a few youngsters getting drug down the street by run away kites.

What a weekend. I haven’t in the past used my blog to document my weekends but this one is worth it. Thursday afternoon I was gifted with some logo wear direct from the seamstress that I have contracted with. I was very happy with what I got. So those of you that see us in SXM will get to see some of this merchandise. Friday being casual day at work and fairly warm allowed me to wear one of my new polo shirts to work. The logo got a warm reception from those who noticed. There are a couple of things I will do differently going forward but I like what was provided….Remember, be careful what you ask for you just might get it. I did and it proves that doing due diligence is worth while when being creative.

Friday evening the lady of the house (found out she isn’t fond of CB (child-bride), go figure) and I went to visit some friends that had returned from the island a week previous. We always have a great time with them so we listened to their adventures and shared some wine for the girls and rum for the guys. They broke out a bottle of MaDouDou Banana Vanilla rum. Mmmmmmm Several shots later the lady of the house…(mine) reminded me that I was the one that would be driving home. Oops. That meant a quick switch to water and a bit more conversation. I will not drive after drinking unless I know that time has passed and I am completely sober. Friday was wonderful.

Saturday I spent the afternoon with our youngest son at an Arena Football League game. We had a great time and had a very interesting concoction…No wonder KC is one of the fattest cities in the country. It was a KC dog. ½ lb hotdog with shredded BBQ beef brisket and fried onion rings on top and then had to wash it down with a giant beer. Now that will give anyone a bit of indigestion. But the game was fun and spending time with my son…priceless.

Sunday started great….warm and windy but ended with a huge deluge of rain and temps in the low 30’s The lady of the house and I ran some errands while it was nice then later in the day spent some time with eldest son participating in an Old Chicago St Patty’s day beer tour. Where we pondered the meaning of life and the future over a few pints of Guinness.

While out with the lady of the house we picked up some vacation supplies to add to the ever growing pile that we have in our room and then got the liver in tune with a bit of libations this weekend too. Nothing too much but a pretty good start. We have also scoped out tanning specials and will be snapping up some tans soon. We are down to 6 weeks so the focus of our free time is vacation based. Look out AXA and SXM here we come.

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